Personal Readings

Natal Chart Consulation
the premise of a natal astrology is that the nature and course of a persons life are reflected in the alignment of the planets at the moment of birth..... in my work i utilize a mixture of ancient and modern techniques when interpreting a natal chart. my main focus is on timing and prediction.
Chakra Balancing
an "imbalance" in your chakras means that some chakras are over-active and some are under-active. many people who are new to "chakra balancing" and "chakra healing" mistakenly think that means "opening the chakras" just like anything else in life, the keyword is "balance" not too much not too little. since the chakras receive and transmit energy (which translate into psychic, emotional and physical energy) too much or too little may effect the way we think, act and feel
Relationships Analysis
using astrology involves taking a concept of natal astrology and applying it to interpersonal relationships between two individuals by comparing their birth charts to another....the purpose of this type of consultation is to determine areas of compatibility and incompatibility, as well as information about the long-term prospects of the couple and longevity of the relationship.....this type of consultation is useful for those whp want to know more about the nature of their relationship and the core themes that they will encounter during the course of it.
Tarot Readings
address the larger aspects of your life rather than a specific problem area or question. they're usually done when you're entering a new phase of life, such as getting married, graduating from college or starting a family. you can somewhat direct the reading if you have a general area you want to cover , such as your career or health, but thats as a specific as the direction
Palm Readings
Psychic Readings
Crystal Readings
Aura Cleansing
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